Our newsletter contains weekly announcements, prayer requests and cancellations. Check back for updates to see what is going on with our church family.

Nursery Schedule Update:

Good morning!! Hope everyone is having a good day!!
I am going to begin working on the new nursery schedule.
This schedule will run from May 28-September 10.
If you are going on vacation or will not be here on any of those days, please let me know as soon as possible, so I can get this finished next week.
Thank you

Weekly Announcements:

Prayer Mobilization Journals are in the Foyer.

Craft Night is THIS Thursday April 20 at 6:30pm.

NYI is having a Bake Sale and a Trade Up Challenge to raise money for their 30 Hour Famine. There is an order form and envelopes in the foyer.  Place money or check for order in an envelope, write your name on the front, and place it in the offering plate. 

NYI – All orders and Trade Ups are Due NEXT Sunday April 23. 

Baked goods will be ready for pickup on Sunday April 30.

There will be a Fellowship Meal following services on Sunday April 30. Please bring a covered dish to share. Paper products and drinks will be provided.

Prayer Request:

Hi Everybody

I just received word from Eddy Hurd that Danielle who is pregnant is being taken to the hospital in labor. She is a little early and Eddy is worried and asked that we put her on the prayer chain. We ask that you pray everything goes according to plan and that their baby is born healthy. Pray for Danielle that she is able to come through the labor in good health and that in this time Eddy is able to feel the calmness of the Lord surrounding him.

Thank You

Pastor Kevin

Weekly Announcements:

Prayer Mobilization Journals are in the Foyer.

There is a Board Meeting on Thursday April 13 at 7pm.

NYI is having a Bake Sale and a Trade Up Challenge to raise money for their 30 Hour Famine. There is an order form and envelopes in the foyer.  Place money or check for order in an envelope, write your name on the front, and place it in the offering plate. All orders and Tradeups are Due on Sunday April 23. Baked goods will be ready for pickup on Sunday April 30.

We need 5 or 6 pictures of your kids for Children’s Day. This includes Nursery through Preteen. Please have pictures emailed to Ashley NO LATER THAN  NEXT Sunday April 16 to allow time for her to do the slide show.


Weekly Announcements:

We will be collecting an Easter Offering Sunday April 09. There are envelopes in the Foyer or you can write Easter Offering in the memo line of your check.

There is a Building & Grounds Meeting on Thursday April 06 at 7pm.

First Friday Breakfast at Denny’s is April 07 at 8:30am.

NYI will be hiding eggs on Saturday April 08. Please be at the church by 10am. This is a Service Project. We will be going to lunch afterwards. 

The Easter Egg Hunt begins at 2pm. Registration will start at 1:30pm. 

Kids Program Practice will be immediately following the Egg Hunt. Parents please plan on your kids staying for practice.

Our Easter schedule is in the Calendar of Coming Events section of the Bulletin.

Sunrise Service begins at 6:35am at the tree off Crissman Road.

Breakfast immediately follows.

Morning Service will include the Kids program, Easter Offering, and Communion.

NO Sunday School.

NYI is having a Bake Sale and a Trade Up Challenge to  raise money for their 30 Hour Famine. There is an order form and envelopes in the foyer.  Place money or check for order in an envelope, write your name on the front, and place it in the offering plate.

We need 5 or 6 pictures of your kids for Children’s Day. This includes Nursery through Preteen. Please have pictures emailed to Ashley NO LATER THAN  Sunday April 16 to allow time for her to do the slide show.

The Alum Bank Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary are looking for used books or puzzles to sell at the Annual Trash and Treasure Sale. If you have any items to donate, please speak with Marie Wentz. She will be taking items until Wednesday May 31.