Our newsletter contains weekly announcements, prayer requests and cancellations. Check back for updates to see what is going on with our church family.

Prayer Request:

Good Morning. I received a prayer request friend Marsha for her friend, Becky Edwards.

Becky suffered from a brain aneurysm yesterday morning. The doctors have told them that they do not expect her to pull through.

Please pray that if it be God’s will, that Becky is able to make a full recovery. Pray that the doctors will be able to offer the best treatment for her. Pray that  her family and friends are able to find comfort and peace as they are going through such a difficult time.

Thank you.

Prayer Request:

Hello everyone.
We received a prayer request from Danielle for her mother, Debbie. Debbie has suffered a stroke. We do not have any other details at this time. Please pray that the doctors handling her case will be able to decide the best treatment for her. Pray that side effects from the stroke are minimal. Pray also for her family,  that they are comforted as  they wait for more news.

Thank you.

Weekly Announcements:

Good morning. These are the weekly announcements: 


NYI/Graduation Day is coming up. Parents, we will need 5 or 6 pictures of your teens. There is also a small form for each teen to fill out. These were handed out Sunday. If you need a new form, ask Penny. Pictures and Forms are due NO LATER THAN NEXT SUNDAY MAY 14. Please email pictures to Ashley. Her email is


There will be a Baptism Service on Sunday May 28. There will be a Fellowship Meal afterwards. There will not be Children’s Church or Sunday School.

We will be having a Deputation Service on June 18 with Angelina Jones. We will also be collecting a deputation offering. Write “deputation offering” on your tithe envelope or in the memo line of your check.

Thank you and Have a Great Day.

Prayer Request:

Hello everyone. I received a prayer request from Arlene.

Kathie Wenger’s husband Karl was sent to Shady Side Hospital in Pittsburgh yesterday afternoon for testing. He will have additional testing today.

Please pray for the doctors that are doing his testing. Pray that his test come back normal. And pray that Kathie, Karl, and his family are comforted as they wait for his results.

Thank you.

Prayer Request:

Hello everyone.
We are asking for prayer for the Tom Watkins family as they received news that his daughter passed away.

Pray for each of them to feel the Lord’s presence. Pray that they will find comfort and peace. Pray that that the Lord will strengthen them as they go through this difficult time.

Thank you.