Our newsletter contains weekly announcements, prayer requests and cancellations. Check back for updates to see what is going on with our church family.

Weekly Announcements:

Ladies Book Club is THIS Thursday September 26 at 7pm.

Family Fun Night is THIS Friday September 27 at 6:30pm.

There is a Kindness Outreach Laundry Wash ‘n Dry on Saturday September 28 from 10am-2pm. There are still a few open time slots. A sign up sheet is in the foyer.

We will have a Fellowship Meal after Sunday School NEXT Sunday September 29. Please bring a covered dish to share.

There will be a Hayride and Bonfire Sunday October 06 at 5pm at Imler’s God’s Country. Please bring a covered dish to share.

Bedford County Concerned Citizens for Human Life need volunteers to help with their booth at Fall Foliage. If you are able to help, please speak with Penny to get their contact information.

Mens Movie and Wing Night is Saturday October 19 at 6pm. The movie being shown is “The Shift” (2023). Please bring your favorite wings and a covered dish to share.

There are Prayer Points for the Elections in the Foyer.

Prayer Request:

Hello everybody. I have a prayer request to pass along for Cassie Wolfhope,

She is the mother of one of Ern and Sharon’s renters.

Cassie was admitted to the hospital with full pneumonia and a low kidney count.

Please pray for recovery and for God’s presence to be realized by Cassie and her family during this difficult time.

Thank you.

Weekly Announcements:

ALL Wednesday Services for THIS week have been CANCELED.

Craft Night is THIS Thursday September 19 at 7pm.


There is a Kindness Outreach Laundry Wash ‘n Dry on Saturday September 28 from 10am-2pm. There are still a few open time slots. A sign up sheet is in the foyer.

We will have a Fellowship Meal after Sunday School on September 29. Please bring a covered dish to share.

Bedford County Concerned Citizens for Human Life need volunteers to help with their booth at Fall Foliage. If you are able to help, please speak with Penny to get their contact information.

There are Prayer Points for the Elections in the Foyer.

We still need volunteers for the Nursery. Clearances are required. If you are interested in helping, please speak with Penny.    

Weekly Announcements:

There is a Special Ministries Meeting THIS Thursday September 05 at 7pm.

First Friday Breakfast is September 06 at 8:30am at Bedford Denny’s.

In One Accord Ministries will be having a Hoss’s Fundraiser on Sunday September 08. Papers are in the Foyer.

Alabaster Offerings will be collected the NEXT 2 Sundays, September 08 and

Sunday September 15.

The 23rd Annual “Walk for Life” is on Saturday September 14 from 9am-11am. Registration will be at the Bedford High School.

Molly will be walking and needs sponsors.

More information is on the Bulletin Board with times and contact numbers.

There is a Nature Walk at Shawnee planned for Sunday September 15 beginning at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Any questions, please speak with Adena. There is a sign up sheet.

Renewing Hope’s Charity Golf Tournament is Saturday September 28 at Down River beginning at 9am. Spaces are limited. Information on how to register is on the Bulletin Board.

We still need volunteers for the Nursery. Clearances are required. If you are interested in helping, please speak with Penny.    


Weekly Announcements:

Ladies Book Club will meet THIS Thursday August 29 at 7pm.

In One Accord Ministries will be having a Hoss’s Fundraiser on Sunday September 08. Papers will be in the Foyer NEXT week.

Alabaster Offerings will be collected on Sunday September 08 and Sunday September 15.

The 23rd Annual “Walk for Life” is on Saturday September 14 from 9am-11am. Registration will be at the Bedford High School.

Molly will be walking and needs sponsors.

More information is on the Bulletin Board with times and contact numbers.

It is almost time for Christmas Shoeboxes. There will be more information coming soon.

We need volunteers for the Nursery. Clearances are required. If you are interested in helping, please speak with Penny.